Stepping out of lockdown: 5 focus points for moving forward with your coworking space.


Covid-19 has changed how people work.

Offices are closed while others have experienced office space restructuring. Coworking spaces have not been spared with the effects of Covid-19. 

However, there are numerous interventions for coworking spaces for emerging stronger from the pandemic crisis to help companies achieve business growth. Stangler (2020) argues that coworking spaces will come out as the critical recovery asset for many companies during and after the Covid-19 crisis.

With this comes a great responsibility to reevaluate where your focus goes when considering how to move forward in a post-lockdown world.

 Here are 5 focus points for moving forward with your coworking space post-lockdown:

Communication is Key

Communication is central to building trust among clients.

According to Meunier (2020), it is imperative to use all channels to communicate the interventions you’ve put in place to guarantee client safety. It is necessary to inform your clients about the current situation and how it affects their operations.

Besides, it is essential to be supportive and try to understand how others are feeling and offer support where necessary. 

Invest in customer retention

While acknowledging the challenges of COVID-19 and the fact that people are not using your space now, customer retention continues to be the primary objective of the business.

Firstly, it is essential to guarantee your clients’ safety by providing adequate information and resources for protection against covid-19 in working spaces. It is also necessary to focus on building long-term relationships by providing support to your clients and understanding the critical aspects of their businesses during the Covid-19 period.

Moreover, try to help your clients working remotely by providing them with tips to help them during this period.

Cost reduction 

Covid-19 period requires cautious spending and a decrease in unnecessary costs.

You’ll need adequate financial resources to navigate through the crisis. It is essential to review your budget and eliminate anything that you do not need at the moment and other expenses that can be decreased to create more savings. 

Develop different plans for various scenarios

It is significant to have different plans in case of different COVID-19 scenarios and communicate them to your clients.

For instance, if a member is confirmed to suffer from COVID-19 or a person shows symptoms or a staff member is quarantined.

You can engage the public health officers to get the best guidelines on how to handle COVID-19 scenarios at the workplace and utilise them to develop customised plans for your working spaces.

Offer your customers humanity.

Things are changing fast, and people are a little nervous and anxious.

It is crucial to offer your clients safe spaces and ensure that they feel safe at all times. Let your clients feel that you understand how they feel and try to help them overcome any personal challenge.

At the moment, your clients want the truth and honesty, and you must give them that at all times in a remorseful manner and show empathy.

So there you have it, five focus points for moving forward with your coworking space post-lockdown:

  1. Communication is key 
  2. Invest in customer retention 
  3. Cost reduction 
  4. Develop different plans for various scenarios 
  5. Offer your customers humanity

During the Covid-19 period, your focus points have to change from customer retention to emphasis on customer trust.

It would help if you moved away from monetary values of objectives towards measuring humanity since it is the most critical aspect for your clients.

These tips will support your business growth when you set them to be the primary measures of your workspace at a time like this.

 Final Thoughts

How are you and your space coping in a post-lockdown world? We would like to know!

Reach out to us at and share your story with us.

We would love to promote and support you through this uncertain time.