5 Reasons Your Coworking Space Needs A Management Platform
ResourceWhen you first launched your coworking space, you were probably looking forward to being able to bring together a community of like-minded individuals; entrepreneurs, freelancers, designers, developers, journalists, and everything in between.
You were probably getting excited about all the events and meetups you could host to help your community thrive and grow.
And you were probably imagining companies enter your space in their infant stage being able to nurture them in your coworking space, before watching them leave as fully-fledged businesses.
But you probably didn’t expect to be spending all your time managing the shared calendar, manually creating room bookings, frantically running around trying to find the projector, and reminding your members on a monthly basis to pay their invoices. Sound familiar? If it does then you should consider using a coworking space management tool, like Coherent.
Workspace management tools bring several benefits to you, here’s a few of them:

You get to spend more time focusing on your community.
If you don’t have to worry about making sure the shared calendar is up to date so your members can see which resources are currently available, and you don’t have to spend a day at the end of the month compiling and sending invoices, and you don’t need to manually input details every time a member wants to book a meeting room, you can use this saved time to work on organising events, or redesigning your workspace to improve the atmosphere, or attracting new members to grow your community.
Your members can have more control over their coworking experience.
One of the benefits of coworking is the freedom and control that coworkers have. They can choose a tariff that best suits their needs and book desks, rooms and resources as and when they need them. Giving your members a portal through which they can manage these things by themselves, rather than having to engage in a long back-and-forth email dialogue with the workspace manager can help make their coworking experience more frictionless.
You can expand your coworking community.
By providing a digital space in which coworkers can promote themselves and their businesses, as well as search other members with skills or expertise they require, your members can become more deeply integrated into your community.
You can scale your coworking space more easily.
Each time you take on a new member at your workspace, the amount of admin work you have to do increases slightly. Year-on-year you’ll find yourself taking on a lot more admin as a result of your membership numbers growing. And if you decide to open a second workspace, your admin will double! If you’re using a management tool however, each time a new member signs up, all you have to do is welcome them to your space and leave the software to the rest.
You no longer need to depend on several pieces of software.
You probably use a combination of calendars, email, accounting software, booking software, spreadsheets and more, just to manage your workspace on a daily basis. And chances are, most of these softwares don’t cooperate particularly well with one another. With a workspace management tool, everything will be handled all under one roof, with a single login.
Final Thoughts
At Coherent we know how a coworking space management tool can really help you to save time, increase efficiency, add extra value for your members and grow your community.
Coherent brings all of the benefits mentioned above by giving you an all-in-one platform that takes care of all of your admin and connects your community.
If you want to know more, email us at hello@coherent.work